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The Top 10 Qualities of A Great Teacher

Great teachers can change lives, and the world, in an instant. Great teachers inspire us to be better versions of ourselves by challenging our thinking, challenging our assumptions, teaching us how to think critically and creatively, and making learning exciting and fun. Great teachers are rarer than most people think. Many good teachers exist, but great ones are exceptional. They seem to have a sixth sense for what their students need at any given moment. They know when to challenge them, when to hold their hand and when to let them struggle on their own. A great teacher is one who:

Is constantly learning and growing.

The best teachers are always looking for ways to improve their craft. They read books, papers, and studies about their craft. They attend conferences and workshops. They are constantly reading educational blogs, studying other teachers’ classrooms, and connecting with educators online. They try new things and push themselves to grow. They don’t let their ego get in the way of improving their craft. Great teachers continue to grow throughout their careers. They are never too proud to learn something new.

Is deeply passionate about helping students succeed.

Great teachers are passionate about helping their students succeed. They recognize that their job goes beyond the walls of their classroom, and that their students’ success is tied to their own. A great teacher has a deep desire to see their students succeed. They want every student to get an education that is tailored to their needs. Great teachers want to change their community’s outlook on education. They are passionate about advocating for their students, and helping them succeed in and outside of the classroom.

Has clear communication skills.

Great teachers know that their students are more than just a room full of future doctors, lawyers, and engineers. Great teachers understand that every student in their room has their own story, their own struggles, and their own set of needs. Great teachers are able to connect with each and every one of their students. They have clear communication skills. They know how to put their students at ease, and approach each and every student as an individual. Great teachers know that every student has something to offer, and that everyone has something to learn. They know that their classroom is an inclusive space where everyone is encouraged to participate. They know when to draw people out, and when to push them to push themselves.

Knows how to manage behavior.

Great teachers know how to manage behavior. They are able to shut down an argument before it even starts. They have a way of bringing the class back together when it seems like everything is falling apart. They are able to identify when a student is struggling and when they need to be removed from the rest of the class. Great teachers are able to pick up on subtle signs of distress, and know how to manage that behavior before it becomes a larger issue.

Is well-rounded and has a variety of teaching tools at their disposal.

Great teachers are well-rounded. They are knowledgeable about a variety of subjects, and have the ability to teach those subjects with excellence. They know the importance of staying true to who they are as educators. They don’t try to be something they’re not. Great teachers are able to weave in their personalities and interests into every lesson. They don’t try to fit every lesson into their personal style. They are able to find the joy in teaching, even when the subject matter isn’t something they particularly enjoy. Great teachers are able to take the subject matter and make it fascinating for their students.

Can effectively use data to inform instruction.

Great teachers are constantly asking “why?”, and “what if?”. They are always questioning their practice, and looking for ways to improve their craft. They know that the best way to improve is to examine their data and use it to inform their instruction. Great teachers have their students take regular assessments, and then use those assessment results to inform their instruction. They know when to intervene and when to let their students struggle on their own. They know that every student learns in a different way, and that there isn’t one-size-fits-all solution.

Has exceptional instructional skills.

Great teachers know that being a great teacher isn’t just about being an expert in your field. It’s also about knowing how to effectively communicate that knowledge to your students in a way that they can understand and apply. Great teachers know that the way you present information matters. They are able to find the right balance between being too formal and too casual. They know when to speak formally, and when it is appropriate to let the class get a little silly.


The best teachers are rare. They are passionate, dedicated people who are willing to go above and beyond to help students learn and succeed. They care about their students and want them to succeed both in and outside of the classroom. Great teachers know that their students’ success is linked to their own success. They know that to help their students succeed, they have to be willing to constantly improve and grow as educators.

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